Vomit Draft or Polished Pages?
You’ve probably heard this argument before.
“Just get words on paper! Can’t edit something unless there are words on the page.”

To blog or not to blog…
Blogging is dead. I’ve heard this in the wake of YouTube, podcasts and TikTok. The platforms are changing and perhaps there is a reason to put one’s message out in the most popular format. But reading is so old-school. Ha!
I love blogs.
I love reading blogs, sharing blogs and making comments.

The Seinfeld Method
For those living under a rock, Jerry Seinfeld is one of the most successful comedians in recent generations. He wrote and produced Seinfeld, adding over a dozen new phrases to popular culture. Do any of these sound familiar?
No soup for you! What’s the deal with…? Yada Yada Yada…

Newsletter Swaps
Early in my journey to becoming an author, I was told adamantly: start a newsletter! Independent authors hail newsletters as invaluable marketing tools because they are critical for cultivating a fan base.
The only clinch is finding subscribers.